Safe and Supportive Community Statement

The Moreton Bay Colleges affirm the position of the Uniting Church of Australia that every person is precious and entitled to live with safety and dignity because they are God’s children, and that each person’s life and rights need to be protected or the human community (and its reflection of God) and all people are diminished.

Dignity in Humanity: A Uniting Church Statement on Human Rights; July 1, 2006.

At Moreton Bay College diversity and inclusion are integral parts of our culture and identity. We are passionate about developing confident, independent and resilient future-ready global citizens, in a caring and diverse Christian learning environment. Thus, we want to create a safe and inclusive culture where all staff and students, from all backgrounds and walks of life, are valued and respected.

We believe that the ‘College spirit’ is discernible to anyone who spends a few hours at the College; it goes beyond simply having pride in the College. What makes MBC truly special is that our community works very hard to preserve and continue the sense of belonging, camaraderie and cooperation that is genuinely inclusive of students from many different backgrounds and abilities. This extends to our classrooms, our grounds, and our extra-curricular activities, as well as our external interactions and beyond.

Therefore, the Moreton Bay Colleges are committed to fostering a positive and supportive community that is free from discrimination on the basis of age, disability, race, sex, intersex status, gender identity, faith, culture and sexual orientation. We support the right of people to express their whole identity without fear of bullying, judgement, reprisal, or discrimination. With courage and hope, we embrace the challenge to be an inclusive and compassionate community which fosters safe dialogue and respectful relationships.

The safety of students is our highest priority, and we are deeply committed to maintaining a culture of safety where every student is protected and supported to thrive. We welcome any opportunity to learn more about and improve the safety and wellbeing of our community.